
822 posts

Welke programmeertalen moeten leerlingen/studenten kennen?

Als het in het onderwijs in Nederland over “programmeren” gaat worden eenvoudige vragen al heel snel ingewikkeld. Dus een vraag als “Welke programmeertalen zouden onze leerlingen/studenten moeten kennen?” (bron) is niet helemaal zonder risico. Immers, je moet dan gaan nadenken over het doel dat je daarmee hebt. Wil je ze leren programmeren? Of juist coderen? Of software ontwikkelen? Ik ga niet […]

Connect the Puck.js to The Things Network using a Pycom LoPy

I still wasn’t out of “what if…” scenario’s for the devices I had been playing with in relation to The Things Network / LoRaWAN. Because, although I had used the WiFi (and of course LoRA) capabilities of the LoPy a lot, I had not yet played with its BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) capabilities. For that I needed something else that could […]

Connect the Circuit Playground to The Things Network using a LoPy

One of the challenges left with regards to the LoPy was to find a way to actually connect sensors to the node. I had little luck with the DHT11 temperature/moisture sensor (one of the drawbacks of MicroPython over regular Arduino code is the lack of libraries) and didn’t have any I2C sensors lying around. But I did of course still had […]