Yearly Archives: 2011

399 posts

ALTC-2011 Day 2 Can one tool change the culture of an institution?

Dragos Ciobanu, Neil Morris and Alina Secara showed how at the University of Leeds, they are experimenting with Adobe Connect Pro. Here too, they luckily choose to just demonstrate instead of explain in words only. We had received the URL for their Adobe Connect room so anyone with a laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android device could participate during the session. Alina Secara […]

ALT-C 2011 Day 2 The Distributed, Web 2.0 VLE?

In his presentation titled “The Distributed, Web 2.0 VLE? Incorporating External Content Platforms into the Institutional VLE”, Ian Glover from the City University London talked about the advantages/disadvantages of using external tools in combination with the institutional VLE and the work they are doing to help staff use these external tools. Advantages of using these tools are there are many good […]

ALT-C 2011 – Day 1 Unlocking the Hidden Curriculum

The “Best Performance of the First Day of ALT-C 2011d”-award goes without a doubt to Dale Porter from the University of Exeter. Although I’ve seen (and used) plenty of examples of Augmented Reality both using markers and without markers (for example using Layar), I really liked the way he presented the example. He used one of the participants to perform a […]

ALT-C 2011 – Day 1 Echo360 Personal Capture

John Davies and Clare Hardman from the Teaching and Learning Development Unit of the University of Sussex did an interesting session about their Me2U project. They use the Echo360 Personal Capture system with which teachers can create (small) recordings on their laptops. It works similar to what I would do with Camtasia Studio, but without the more advanced options. However, this […]