ALT-C 2011 – Day 1 Echo360 Personal Capture

John Davies and Clare Hardman from the Teaching and Learning Development Unit of the University of Sussex did an interesting session about their Me2U project. They use the Echo360 Personal Capture system with which teachers can create (small) recordings on their laptops. It works similar to what I would do with Camtasia Studio, but without the more advanced options. However, this also makes it easier for faculty to use.

They found similar results as that we found in our study: students that accessed the recordings had better marks for the course, though that doesn’t automatically prove causality. They also compared the results of the two groups of students (the ones that watched and didn’t watch) for a course that ran at the same time and that wasn’t recorded and there there was no significant different between the results of the two groups.

More information about the project can be found on this website.
A short introduction to the session by John Davies, using the Echo360 Personal Capture system, can be found here.