
28 posts

Mijn eerste Chinese ESP32 verbonden met The Things Network

Tot voor kort had ik 2 verschillende LoraWAN nodes in huis: een tweetal LoPy‘s, waarvan er eentje dienst doet als single channel gateway en een Marvin. Beide zijn niet bijzonder goedkoop, een LoPy met ontwikkelbordje en antenne kost zo’n 50 euro excl. verzendkosten. Een Marvin kost bijna 85 euro excl. verzendkosten. Niet echt sensoren dus die je ergens “kwijt” wilt raken. Terwijl een […]

LoRaWAN with LoPy and KPN + Loggly

In the Netherlands, KPN was the first to offer nationwide coverage of a IoT network based on LoRaWAN. You can read about my first tests using their Network in combination with the Marvin node in this post. Unlike with the IoT network that for example is currently being rolled out by T-Mobile, which uses NB-IoT and different hardware than The Things Network (TTN), […]

Connect the Puck.js to The Things Network using a Pycom LoPy

I still wasn’t out of “what if…” scenario’s for the devices I had been playing with in relation to The Things Network / LoRaWAN. Because, although I had used the WiFi (and of course LoRA) capabilities of the LoPy a lot, I had not yet played with its BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) capabilities. For that I needed something else that could […]

Connect the Circuit Playground to The Things Network using a LoPy

One of the challenges left with regards to the LoPy was to find a way to actually connect sensors to the node. I had little luck with the DHT11 temperature/moisture sensor (one of the drawbacks of MicroPython over regular Arduino code is the lack of libraries) and didn’t have any I2C sensors lying around. But I did of course still had […]