What happens if you take a LoRaWAN node with you in a train while you travel across the Netherlands for about 2,5 hours? I did not know and wanted to find out today because I had to be in Zwolle for a meeting. So I charged a big external battery (with 2 USB ports), drilled a couple of holes in a […]
One of the challenges left with regards to the LoPy was to find a way to actually connect sensors to the node. I had little luck with the DHT11 temperature/moisture sensor (one of the drawbacks of MicroPython over regular Arduino code is the lack of libraries) and didn’t have any I2C sensors lying around. But I did of course still had […]
At the moment, the console page of The Things Network has some problems getting the Gateway page. It has been reported on the forums, it appears to be a front-end thing, the gateways themselves appear to be working just fine. So unless you want to get info about your gateway, add a new one, remove or change one, there should be […]
If there is a thing that is dislike most, than it is giving up on a technical problem before it is solved. So, although this weekend a late cold finally managed to make me sleep more than usual, I did manage to spend some time with The Things Network, the LoPy Nano Gateway and the Marvin Node. So, one thing that […]
If your are used to learning stuff without there being a clear manual available, without a teacher that gives you a step by step breakdown of what to do, like when you like to experiment and play with electronics or ict, then you know how frustrating the process of trial and error can be to get something to work. And how […]
My apologies to my regular Dutch readers, given the nature of the topic I am going to do this post in English also. I promise to return to the regular Dutch posts. When I wrote about connecting the Marvin board to the LoRaWAN network in the previous post, my conclusion was: wow, great, KPN truly does offer easy access to LoRaWAN […]
I will do this post in English because the number of potential readers will increase, and because I do have some additional questions that are more likely to be answered this way. So, last weekend I played around with my Pycom LoPy boards. A while back they announced that it would finally be possible to setup a LoRaWAN Nano Gateway with […]
Na de LoPy loopt er op het moment weer een LoRa Kickstarter campagne: de Marvin, een project van RDM Makerspace uit Rotterdam. De Marvin verschilt op een aantal punten van de LoPy. Zo beschikt hij niet over WiFi of BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), is er geen sprake van een externe antenne (zat blijkbaar wel bij de prototypes) en is er geen […]