Students and Recorded Lectures – can you count on them?

I will do this post in English unlike other posts. Reason for that is that the post relates to the Media and Learning Conference and it makes it just a bit easier to read and understand for some people.

Today was the first day of the conference, although yesterday we already had quite an intense pre-conference, organised by the REC:ALL project. I have to admit, I did hear things yesterday that I did not agree with. And in particular that was the way some of the presenters focused on “more views = more success”.  But today I had the opportunity to address that.
My talk, the slides are included above, was part of a 90 minute session, that besides my presentation, included two more. One by Daniel Tan, from the Nanyang Technological University Singapore, and one by Ilkka Kukkonen, from the University of Eastern Finland. And I have to admit, I was a bit worried about the session. Because, we did not have had time to talk about coordinate the contents of our three individual presentations. So, there could have been a huge overlap, or we could have contradicted each other. But the great thing was, that wasn’t the case. Our presentations supplemented each other perfectly.

The first presentation, by Daniel Tan, offered the more broader overview. Explaining about what they did a the University in Singapore, why lecture capture is important etc. My presentation zoomed into the use of those recordings by students and Ilkka continued that lined with his presentation about eye tracking and use of the recordings in a lab situation. You can find the presentation by Ilkka here.

Not only do I think that it made the session more interesting for the participants, it made it more interesting for the three of us. Nice was also that we managed to all do our thing and still leave enough room for questions/discussions which in most cases started to be answered by one of the three of us, with the others adding to that (or sometimes disagreeing with it). All in all, I think, it was a good session, at least one that I enjoyed doing.

All in all, the pre-conference + session about weblectures have been really interesting. I have met a number of people which I hope to stay in contact with, either just on Twitter, via mail or in the form of joint projects or papers. Nice.

You can find more info about my PhD research on this site. If you are interested in a copy of the research, please mail me.

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The slides of my presentation today: #mlconf13