Quality Assurance for Digital Learning Object Repositories: How Should Metadata Be Created?

“Metadata is a powerful component of any digital learning object repository, the key that unlocks its potential. Much work has already been done within the learning technology community to assure metadata quality, focused on the development of the metadata infrastructure, in the form of standards and specifications, and the implementation of this infrastructure within repositories. There has been an assumption that metadata creation will be straightforward, and that authors of learning materials will be the most appropriate metadata creators. However, repositories are beginning to report significant difficulties in obtaining good quality metadata from their contributors and it is increasingly apparent that the issue of metadata creation warrants attention. This paper surveys the growing body of evidence to scope the issue of metadata creation and to identify questions for further investigation.”


Een research paper dat gepresenteerd zal worden tijdens de komende ALT-C 2003 conferentie in Sheffield. Centrale vraag: hoe komt het dat er nog zo weinig onderzoek gedaan is naar de vraag op welke manier (en door wie) metadata het beste toegevoegd kan worden. Én, wat zou er dan onderzocht moeten worden? Interessant stuk, maar nu nog de antwoorden op de vragen die gesteld worden!