Een memo met onderzoeksinformatie over weblogs gaat tegenwoordig niet ongemerkt voorbij. Webwereld, Automatiseringsgids,, Webdrain, Weblogg-ed, PCWorld, ze schrijven er allemaal over. Het is het bekende half-vol of half-leeg verhaal. Er wordt een forse stijging gesignaleerd in het aantal webloggers en lezers van weblogs. Maar ook:
“Blogs still are not that well known.
As a reality check on the blogosphere and its prominence, we decided to ask a general question of all internet users: “In general, would you say you have a good idea of what the term internet ‘blog’ means, or are you not really sure what the term means?” Some 38% of internet users said they had a good idea and 62% said they did not. Those who knew about blogs were well educated, internet veterans (about half of those with at least six years of experience knew what a blog is), and heavy users of the internet.”(bron)
In de woorden van Will: Much blogvangelism to do.