
2 posts

Remember that story about the TTN Gateway 75km away? It wasn’t

Last Monday I took my TTN-mapper node with me in the car driving from home (Deurne) to Nijmegen, to Arnhem, to Veenendaal and back home again in the evening. The gateways found were not really surprising. None for most of the trip to Nijmegen, good coverage in Nijmegen and Arnhem (and in between) . But there was one gateway that surprised […]

Wauw! 75km bereik met TTGO T-Beam vanuit een rijdende auto! [update]

[UPDATE: zie dit bericht (in het Engels) over waar de gateway écht bleek te staan. Het was geen 75 km ver] Still very little @thethingsntwrk gateways visible between home and work. Although the single channel gateway in the Bilt (75km away!) showed that even from inside a driving car with SF7 the signal can travel really far using LoRa. #lorawan @ttnmapper […]