Skypecasting #2

Robin Good heeft al wat uitgebreider naar Skypecasting gekeken en geeft een overzicht:

To be improved or not working:
The Skypeout dialing needed to run a Skypecast conference scares lots of new users as they are all afraid of being taken advantage by unscrupulous marketers, an unclear Skype charging scheme or something yet unclear to them. I have had this reported by a number of users I tested Skypecasts with and this was my personal impression at first too. After extended testing I can confirm that no charge is applied to your account no matter how many Skypecasting sessions you join or host.
You may be accessing Skypecasts in which the host may have already left the session. This is probably the case only during this early preview period as sessions become closed only after the total time originally set by the host has fully expired. In any case it would be nice to see a feature allowing the quitting of the Skypecast session in one unambiguous way.
Indeed, one can terminate the session as a host by simply closing the Skype Out call that is started as soon as one joins a Skypecast. On the other hand this closing of the call, should not be matched automatically with a request to terminate a Skypecast, as it may be possible that one has a connectivity problem, a crash on her computer or another reason that forces the host to log off and back on after a few minutes.

It would be nice to see how many attendees are already in a Skypecast before joining in.”


Ik had zelf na het beschikbaar komen, nog niet uitgebreid met Skypecasting gespeeld omdat het ontbreken van video en/of berichten over het kunnen opnemen van audio of video mij hadden doen afvragen wat de meerwaarde nou eigenlijk was.
Natuurlijk is dat maar heel erg afhankelijk van wat je alternatieven zijn. Als je wel Skype, maar geen Breeze hebt bijvoorbeeld, dan is het al een stap in de goede richting. Robin vat het als volgt samen:

“This is a true disruptive entry in the marketplace as audio conferencing services will now find it even more difficult to compete in this space.
I think this is a great new facility that given enough time to mature, will provide a tremendous number of new opportunities to independent online publishers and for anyone who wants to leverage Internet reach to get his action, education, marketing or business message to a wider audience.
I look forward to record, integrate video of the presenter and charge for access as the next three items I would appreciate the most.”


En als je het zo bekijkt dan zou dit wel toch wel weer het begin van een nieuwe golf veranderingen op VOIP-gebied kunnen zijn.