- Free Big Data MOOC – door Standford, start 29 september | @scoopit http://t.co/8kSh3hw3ZZ 00:29:24
- Ik vind hem wel leuk gevonden: “Money should be safer than selfies” PayPal versus Apple http://t.co/xWBNyL0KB3 06:36:07
- Ingediende casussen @SURF stimuleringsregeling “Uitwisseling tussen toetssystemen” staan online: http://t.co/cEkL7KNjno 20:47:44
- “Hey Microsoft, how about making your “universal” keyboard work with Windows Phone!” #oeps #onhandig http://t.co/w0BA3QGIq0 21:55:15
Twitterarchief 16-09-2014 http://t.co/EFM5EkfjLq